Forte Capital’s Selected Statistics

Annualized Quarterly Real U.S. GDP Growth US economic growth is 2%, causing inflation due to higher interest rates and wage demands. Higher wages lead to higher expenses, increasing prices and wage demands. Civilian Unemployed Rate  Since January 2022, the U.S. unemployment rate has remained below 4%, highlighting job market tightness and the Federal Reserve’s dilemma. […]

The average interest rate on new mortgage agreements for households continue to increase

In November 2023, the average interest rate for new mortgage agreements was 4.8%, with a 0.5 percent annual growth rate for household loans from MFIs and a 1.4% growth rate for non-financial corporations. Mortgage credit companies, other than MFIs, saw a -11.0 percent annual growth rate, accounting for 1.1% of total household mortgages, totaling SEK […]

Data: 4 out of 5 adults aged 35 are non-homeowners.

South Koreans born in 1988 earn income, but only 22% are homeowners, according to data from Statistics Korea. Among 40-year-olds, 69% are economically active. The demographic cohort database reveals a revised employment rate of 70% for 1983-1988, a homeownership rate of 35.2%, 71% married, and a high percentage of children. Statistics Korea shows that for […]

Faulty statistics muddy fMRI results.

Researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital have found that a commonly used software package for fMRI data generates false-positive rates as high as 70%, questioning 40,000 studies. Researchers compiled resting-state fMRI data from 500 healthy controls, dividing brain activity into voxels and sorting through them to find clusters with similar activity. Researchers discovered a bug in […]

Borrowing in debt securities decreased

In November, total liabilities in debt securities decreased by SEK 281 billion from October, primarily due to a stronger Swedish crown. Brief development in November 2023 Decreased liabilities in both money market instruments and bonds In November, total liabilities in debt securities decreased by SEK 206 billion and 75 billion, primarily due to the strengthening […]

By 2072, half of the Koreans could be over 65.

South Korea’s population is predicted to decline by over 40% in 50 years, with half of its population over 65. The worst-case scenario predicts a 30.1 million population by 2072, influenced by declining fertility rates and a central scenario of 51.3 million in 2030. South Korea’s fertility rate is expected to reach 1.08 in 2072, […]

Survey by Statistics Korea indicates that 1in3 foreign workers earns 3 million won per month.

South Korea’s foreign residents reached 1.4 million for the first time, with E-9 visas and international students increasing due to COVID-19. The number of immigrants is expected to reach 1.5 million, including naturalized immigrants. Korean-Chinese immigrants accounted for 33.0% of the total, with mining and manufacturing being the most common industries. The majority earned an […]

South Africa’s 2022 census missed 31% of people

South Africa’s Census 2022 revealed a population growth of 62 million, with Gauteng becoming the most populous province. However, the census also revealed a high undercount, with 31% of people and 30% of households missing. This undercount may set a new international record. The census may need to be reimagined to incorporate big data and […]

Historic adaptations make us susceptible to disease

Researchers discovered a mutation using an algorithm that distinguishes between selected mutations and those inherited by chance, a feat previously unsolved by scientists. Researchers at Southern Medical University have developed a deep learning algorithm called Deep Favored to help scientists study the genomic roots of adaptation and disease. The tool uses GWAS datasets to distinguish […]

Estimation of foot and mouth disease in India during the period 2008-2021

Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) causes acute fever in cloven-hoofed livestock, leading to economic loss in endemic regions. India, the largest dairy producer and consumer, has started mass vaccination of its bovine population with inactivated vaccines through the FMD control program and the National Animal Disease Control Program. Effective sero-surveillance activities, such as non-structural protein ELISA, […]